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Almond Origin and Historyalmond history

The almond is native to regions of Syria, Israel, and Turkey, though it was spread to parts of Europe and even Africa in the past.


Historians generally agree that almonds and dates, both mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible, were among one of the earliest cultivated foods. And, ancient Romans also referred to almonds as "Greek nuts," since they were first cultivated in Greece.  

Some of the earliest varieties of almonds were found in China carried by traders down the ancient Silk Road to Greece, Turkey, and the Middle East.

California Almondsbuy wholesale almonds

The Franciscan Padres brought the almond tree to California from Spain in the mid-1700. It wasn't until the following century that trees were successfully planted inland. By the 1870's, research and crossbreeding had developed several of today's prominent almond varieties.


By the turn of the 20th century, the almond industry was firmly established in the Sacramento and San Joaquin areas of California's great Central Valley.

Almonds as Historic Symbols

Throughout history, almonds have maintained religious, ethnic and social significance. The Romans showered newlyweds with almonds as a fertility charm, so remember this if you want a lot of grandchildren.

According to superstition: If you eat almonds before taking a drink, you will reduce your chances of getting drunk and avoid having a hangover.  

In Eastern Mediterranean regions the wild form of almond can be found; this however is very deadly, as a form of cyanide can be made from crushing or chewing the seed.